Polskie Konsorcjum Gospodarcze is a joint-stock company founded in 1993. It was established to build infrastructure, mainly border infrastructure, as an entity performing tasks in cooperation with the State Treasury. Currently 100% of shares belong to private entities.

We are a company ready to undertake new ventures.

We do our utmost to maximise opportunities that time brings us at individual stages of the development of our company. We are actively involved in taking on new challenges. Over the almost 30 years of the company’s existence, the Company’s profile has evolved many times.

The result of our constant search in continuous pursuit of development is the establishment of companies with 100% equity of PKG , each of which conducts a different type of activity. As a capital group, PKG employs approximately 100 people.

The following companies operate within the Group:

Polskie Konsorcjum Gospodarcze (parent entity) – where the main subject of activity is the maintenance and administration of the commercial part of the Car Terminal in Koroszczyn and the provision of services related to border traffic.


Aperia Sp. z o.o.
Financial intermediation and insurance (from 01.01.2006)
Idelia Sp. z o.o.
Gastronomy and general trade (from 01.01.2010)
Embetim Sp. z o.o.
Customs agency (from 1.11.2013) www.embetim.pl
ISLA Sp. z o.o.
Accounting office (from 1.05.2014)